Scope of Obstetrics
- Preconceptional councelling
- Antenatal Care
- Ultrasonography – Dating Scan, NT Scan, anomaly Scan, growth Scans
- Advice on diet and exercises in Pregnancy
- High risk pregnancy managment
- Hypertension in pregnanacy and its complications
- Diabetes in pregnancy /type 2/ type 1 diabetes mellitus in pregnancy and complications
- Anemia in pregnancy and complications
- Other comorbidities in pregnancy-asthma, epilepsy, lupus ,heart disease
- Blood transfusion facilities
- ICU care for mother
- Placenta accreta syndrome case care and management of complications like pph, bladder injury, bowel injury
- Delivery services-vaginal delivery with companion, instrumental deliveries, lscs-emergency and elective
- Caeserean myomectomy
- Postpartum care-advice on diet and exercises
- Contraceptive option for couple –caffeteria method
- Copper t – iucd insertion, follow up and removal
- Postnatal care-breast feeding techniques
- Mtp services till 24 weeks
- Management of ectopic pregnancy-medical and surgical
- Infertile couple counselling and management- art till intrauterine insemination-level 1
Scope of Gynaecology
- Advice on lifestyle changes and diet in obesity and pcos
- Vaginal infections diagnosis and mangement –medical ,colposcopic cauterisation
- Pap smear, hpv testing ,colposcopic cervial biopsy
- Abnormal uterine bleeding management from adolescent age to postmenopausal age groups
- Medical management, surgical management –for aub (laser facilities not available)
- Tubal recanalisation –abdominal or laproscopy
- Hysteroscopic polypectomy, myomectomy, septal ressection , removal of rpoc
- Laproscopic –myomectomy, cystectomy, hysterectomy,adenomyomectomy, advanced endometriotic surgeries,sacrocolpopexy for vault prolapse
- Abdominal hysterectomy, myomectomy
- Non descent vaginal hysterectomy, vaginal hysterectomy,pelvic floor repair
- Surgeries for cervical and endometrial cancer –early stages
- Sentinal lymph node biopsy and lymph node dissection in gynaecological cancers
- Cosmetic gynaecological surgeries – vaginoplasty, labioplasty, hymenoplasty
- Peri and postmenopausal symptom management –emperical and hrt
OPD Timings: 10AM to 2PM
Dr Anjali Siddesh : 10AM to 2PM
- Antenatal care
- Deliveries with remote fetal monitoring
- Laparoscopic surgeries for hysterectomy, myomectomy, Sterilization, Endometriosis and Ovarian Cyst, ca- cervix etc.,
- Tubal re-canalization and infertility workups.
- Colposcopy