OPD Timings: 10AM to 2PM
Dr. G. Siddesh A Leading Academician, Professor and former HOD of Surgery J.S.S, Medical College and Hospital, Mysore. Very well acclaimed by the Doctors’ and the patients’ community-as Highly dedicated surgeon, introduced newer vistas in techniques for the first time in the City way back in 1980s and later Laparoscopic surgery techniques,. Now heads Sigma hospital as the Chief Surgeon, Medical Director.
- All Operations on Thyroid, Hernia, Breast, Gastro-intestinal Surgeries.
- Laparoscopic surgeries of Gallbladder stone, Appendix and Hernia.
- Advanced Minimal access Surgery for Colon stomach cancer.
- Painless surgery for Piles. ( stapled hemorrhoidectomy )
- Bariatric surgery.
- Diagnostic and Therapeutic VGI Endoscopy, Colonoscopy and ERCP.